Your water heater is responsible for providing you with toasty, warm showers in the winter months, as well as keeping your hands from being frigid every time you go to turn on the sink to wash your hands or do the dishes.
With all that water being used day after day, your water heater can be prone to malfunctioning, especially once it reaches the end of its life after about ten years.
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Signs Your Plumbing Needs Fixing
Your bathroom plumbing can get damaged over time. If you have been noticing signs that your plumbing is deteriorating, you may be wondering if your thoughts are correct. There are certain signs that will tell you your plumbing is in need of repair or replacement.
If you are noticing any of the following signs, it is possible that your bathroom plumbing has been damaged.
Your Toilet Is Leaking Water
One of the signs your bathroom plumbing has been damaged is a leaking toilet.
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Drain Cleaning: Preventing Plumbing Problems From Happening
When the drains in your home begin to slow, some things can be done to deal with the issues before they become serious. The fact of the matter is that as long as you have a drain, you will need a plumber to clean it out from time to time. This happens as part of being a homeowner or business owner. It has been said that prevention really does save money, and this is especially true when it comes to drain cleaning services.
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Signs You Need A New Hot Water Installation
Water heaters are one of the household electronics that break down with time and should be replaced. Waiting for too long before installing a new hot water system can lead to complications like water damage. Here are some signs you need a new hot water installation.
Your Heater Is Old
Many homeowners don't know when their water heater has reached its expiration date. To determine the heater's age, look for a serial number on the sticker of the manufacturer.
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